Not sure if this is official, but I dug it. Careful, this song will be stuck in your head for days.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Not sure if this is official, but I dug it. Careful, this song will be stuck in your head for days.
"Devil's Plaything" off of Lucifuge, check that Doors vibe at the beginning.
In keeping up with the current Danzig vibe to cheaphotelbloodymary, here are some more videos.
Eerie Von Interview

For those who need an introduction, Eerie Von played bass in Samhain, and Danzig. He also took many Misfits pictures back in the day. He was kind enough to allow an interview.
1. What was your favorite album you played on? What tour was best?
Samhain 3 was a great record, and I think it's the best from that band, and strangely, Danzig 3 is my favorite from that band. There's something about ..3 that seems to bring out the best in me, and or, us.
Since I've done so many tours, it's hard to pick just one, But the tour for "How the Gods Kill" with "White Zombie" in Europe, and then the States, was one of my favorites.
2.What was better playing in Samhain or Danzig? Which songs do you prefer now?
There is no choosing wich was better. People always want to know, is this better than that? It's so stupid to make comparisons, because every band, or tour is different.
Each one had it's good and bad moments, but for the most part, it was mainly all good, and I am very Proud of both bands.
3. Many consider the first 4 Danzig albums classic? How does it feel to be a part of that legacy?
I'm a part of the whole "Legacy" I just consider my time in Hell, to be a part of the whole picture.
4. Are you still in contact with anyone from that time?
I still hear from Chuck Biscuits, from time to time, and Glenn and I keep tabs on each other.
5. How was it working with Rick Rubin? Is he as weird as he seems?
Rick was not weird at all. He was much more normal, than any of us. I enjoyed working with him, to a certain extent, but we didn't give him much respect, because that's the way we were.
6. What are you currently listening to?
I listen to the same music I've always listened to, Elvis, Motown, Doo-Wop, Classical, country, blues, and Punk.
7. Who are the main influences on your bass playing?
My only influences on Bass are Dee Dee Ramone, and Jerry Only.
8. Is Glenn really a badass? Or is it all an act?
Glenn's as bad as he wants to be. Just like we all are. What people don't know is what a funny guy he is, and how he loves to laugh.
9. Are you still into photography?
10. Is there you anything you want to plug?
Just the Fiend Art, and the new "Spidercider" CD coming out any minute. People can go to and see my paintings, and check out my new CD.
I also want to always thank, the Fiends for being the best supporters, anyone could ever hope for. I've spent a long time getting to know a lot of them personally, and they are the best!
Good stuff, I'd like to again thank Eerie for his time. Thank you.
This song kills. I used to work with this guy who caught a show on this tour. He told me that somebody tried to stagedive, ran into Glenn and Glenn punched him out. Maybe apocryphal.
Fritz the Cat Poster
Check this dope poster. Wouldn't be nice to go to the movies, and see this hanging in the lobby?
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Review: Playboy July 1980

So I found this store by me that has a vintage Playboy collection back to 1978. Pricewise, it is whatever the cover says. So for a whopping $2.50 I picked the "Summer Sex" issue. Now I guess I should put a disclaimer about this and some previous postings, sorry if I offended anyone with nudity, but at least it was classy, right? I don't really consider Playboy pornography, and you shouldn't either. Now that that is said, some of my thoughts on this publication. As with most anything, I prefer stuff that it vintage to late 70's/ early 80's, I like this kind of shit because it reminds me of a time that seemed so much simpler, I was a young child then, and I have always had a keen memory for pop culture. So that said lets roll.
First things first, the ads in this mag are almost the best thing about it. From the Earth, Wind, & Fire Panasonic "ghetto blaster" one, the Honda Accord LX (these old Hondas ran forever), and the best of all the ad for the long forgotten move The Island (with Michael Caine, and written by Peter Benchley of Jaws fame). Good stuff. Next up, article wise, we have a great feature on my adopted state of Hawai'i, basically a travelogue it has some great pictures in it. The photo of Kalapana is especially nice considering what it looks like now. There is a goofy pictorial featuring Dudley Moore in various goofy situations with naked ladies. Funny stuff, (I never got Dudley Moore) he is definitely forgotten now.
There is a feature on the beach, with all kinds of goofy shit, with a playlist to enjoy in your Sony Walkman the size of a car. Here is a sampling: "Desperado" Eagles (yuck), "Cheeseburger in Paradise" Jimmy Buffett (double yuck), and "Surfin USA" Beach Boys (cmon that was a given, they didn't even have to include that). Also, instructions for a clambake, and Hef's ultimate beach beverage a "Blue Hawai'i", they suggest filling a Thermos. I have never drinken a "Blue Hawai'i" in my life, although the night before I got married I got wasted on Mai Tai's. Good fun. All in all, if you are into nostalgia for this period, this was a great issue. Notice I didn't even mention the Playmate of the Month, Playboy would be dope even without the girls.
coming soon to cheaphotelbloodymary
Eerie Von interview
cheaphotelbloodymary's 1st contest!
who can translate the words on this cover?
2 winners:
actual translation
what you think it shoud say
whatever you want
Bush's Reading Habits

So on Hardball, just now they are analyzing George Bush's reading habits. Apparently, he read 3 biographies of George Washington,and 3 Shakespeare plays, among other things. The total was 53 books, ok think about this? He is the "leader of the free world", how in the fuck does he have time to read that many books? Now I understand if it was something his old favorite My Pet Goat, but that is heavy shit they are claiming he is reading. Absurd, can't they come up with a better p.r. push to make us think he is smart? Also, if you are against the Iraq war, Rumsfeld is saying you are a "Hitler appeaser", fuck these clowns. Even Tucker Carlson is calling them on their shit. Word. Check that picture that is Rumsfeld representing our country for Reagan selling Iraq weapons to use against Iran in 1983. I suggest everyone look at the history of our current debacle.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Misfats Interview!

So the Misfats are a Misfits tribute band straight outta my hometown of Portland, Or. Foil Von Franksnbeans (guitar) was kind enough to take time out and answer some questions. If you are ever in Portland, check em out. Good fun.
Foil Von Franksnbeans - guitar - here and answering your questions.
1. what gave you the idea?
Me and the guy who plays Glen Hamzinger are both huge (get it?) Misfits fans who wanted to start a tribute band. Since we're both fat, we thought it would be rad to do an all fat-guy Misfits tribute. After that, it was just a logical step to change the lyrics to be about food and stuff.
2.what other bands are you into?
I'm personally into older stuff - old school English punk, NWOBHM stuff, and classic rock. The other guys are into Reprise Records-type stuff, garage and surf-rock, respectively.
3. what has the reaction been?
It's been pretty amazing, so far. We've played in clubs on the other side of the country to mostly full rooms - and that's pretty good considering all we've got is a couple of magazine articles and internet buzz behind us. That said, some of the younger crowds don't like us much. They think we're making fun of the Misfits - but nothing could be further from the truth. We love the Misfits. We're making fun of ourselves. I don't think their sense of irony is fully formed yet.
4. best places to play?
Hmm... My favorite shows so far have been in Seattle, San Francisco, Eugene, and Hoboken. I think SF is the champ - that town is weird with a capital "w" and is tailor made for schtick like ours. We've had a couple of awesome shows in Portland, as well - but that's our hometown and I think they're starting to get sick of us :)
5. influences, besides Misfits?
All kinds - but none of 'em show up in The Misfats. The Misfats is and will always be an unholy mixture of The Misfits, Spinal Tap, and Monty Python.
6. Could Glenn Danzig kick Jerry Only's ass?
I dunno. Jerry's still pretty buff. Then again, Glenn looks like he could still do some damage as well - so, I dunno...
7. Does Michale Graves suck?, I think so
Why? I don't think Graves sucks at all, and it kind of baffles me that so many people think he does. If you were a 19 year old kid looking for a break, and Jerry Only asked you to front The Misfits - you would say "no"? That's crazy.
As for the albums he recorded with The Misfits - they're pretty solid. They're not like the Danzig-era, but they never claimed to be. They managed to take the music in a new direction while still staying true to the core idea. And there were some pretty good tunes, as well. Songs like "Dig Up Her Bones" and "Scream" get pretty solid rotation on my Ipod.
The other reason that people give when they say "Graves sucks" is the whole "conservative punk" thing. Again - big deal. The guy backed Bush in the '04 election. It's not like he was clubbing baby seals or something. I truly find it fascinating that punk rockers, who are allegedly so into free thought would shut somebody out because he didn't share their political views. In my mind, that kind of thing goes counter to everything that punk rock is supposed to be about. I was a proud Kerry supporter in '04, but I would never discredit someone artistically simply because they didn't vote the same way I did. That's just ridiculous.
We've opened for Michale twice, and will be opening for him again in October. He's treated us very well, and we've had a blast both times. He's a lot smarter and funnier than people sometimes give him credit for, and he puts on a hell of a show.
8. What is your favorite Misfits track? and why?
Mine is "Hybrid Moments". It just has all those qualities that make a great Misfits song - morbid lyrics, killer melodies, and a guitar line that kicks you in the teeth.
9. What in your opinion is the best Misfits lp?
Static Age, definitely. I just like the flow of it. I also like "Walk Among Us", but Static Age seems to go to a few more places, musically speaking, than "Walk" does.
10. Anything you want to plug?
Big shows coming up. We're opening up for The Sex Pistols Experience (a Sex Pistols Tribute from the UK) for their Oregon shows - September 20 in Eugene at the Wow Hall and September 21 in Portland at Dante's. Also, we're opening up for Michale Graves on a killer Friday the 13th show in Seattle at Studio Seven on October 13. Also, people in the Vegas/Los Angeles/San Francisco area, stay tuned to our website ( and/or MySpace page ( for news of a potentially huge show in one (or maybe all!) of your areas.
Thank you!
W. sucks

On Countdown today, they were showing Brian Williams's interview with our fearless leader, George W. Bush. I thought it was funny when Williams was asking Dubya about his reading list. Why did you fools ever buy into this clown? It is fitting that on this, the Katrina anniversary, are people fina-fucking-lly waking up. After the Democrats take Congress this fall, lets impeach this clown. Get rid of him. He and his GOP cronies have fucked our country six ways til Sunday.
6 months
So Sunday, August 27th was 6 months without any form of nicotine. Everyday I am thankful that I quit smoking, I gained 20 lbs but I guess thats a small tradeoff for being able to breathe. There are still times occasionly when I get the urge but it is rare. Whats weird is I like how cigarettes smell, if someone is smoking around me, the smell is appealing. Weird, when I smoked I always hated the ex-smokers who were militant, and wouldn't shut up about how bad smoking is. I am not like that, if using tobacco is something you enjoy, then its your choice.
I quit because I really started to think about my father and how young he was when he died. He was only 12 years older than I am now. That was my prime motivation. The secret of my success was sunflower seeds,( you get the hand to mouth action going), I can't believe its been 6 months, I didn't even think I could go 6 hrs.
Monday, August 28, 2006
the cheaphotelbloodymary mission statement

It seems to me that when I peruse other people's blogs, they seem to fall into a few categories. Personal journal types, politics, music or film reviews, and or just weird, when I first started this blog I didn't really have a vision for it. It was just there for me to spew forth my thoughts. Which I guess it still is. In magazines like Spin or something there are always lists where an artist will list their "10 Favorite Records" or whatever. This has always been my favorite part of magazines, that and reviews. So my vision of this blog, is to combine shit like that with film and music reviews. Plus, some politics, and personal shit, make sense? As for the name, on my birthday this year, we went to Hilo, and stayed in a shitty, cheap hotel. The night of my birthday I spent in the bathtub sipping bloody marys. That's it in a nutshell. It has a nice ring, I think. For me for some reason it brings up ideas of what this blog is about.
Today, it is so easy to get information. I really feel that blogs are the new media. Anyone can publish a blog, and get their viewpoint out. I was reading zine review in Maximum Rock n Roll, and thinking that blogs are the new zines. While that might piss some purists off, that is how I look at my blog. As for the format, the collage of images at the top is the "cover", and each post is a page in a neverending zine. You never know what you might find, a political rant, to some stupid list, or a review of some movie you never heard of. So let's all enjoy the ride together.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Black Metal

You know black metal has fascinated me for quite awhile. Aesthetically, I really like it, the lo-finess, blastbeats, and screechy vocals sound really fucking sick. It also seems to have an almost punk rock simplicity to it.Sounds good, right? I really like the sound of it. What I have a problem with is its image.Once you step away from the music, you are left with a bunch of goons whose main goal is to appear more "evil" than the next guy.The need in the scene to appear "evil", and "brutal" than the next guy is what is wack.
Its just corny, because we all know that underneath the corpse paint, "Beheader" is really Arthur Epstein who lives at home with his mom. I wish there was a band who took the sound but left the image. The other thing that really bothers me is the racism and fascism that seem to run rampantThis is really disturbing, and to me hard music should be the last place where this exists. While I am far from the expert, why does it seem to prevail? There are bands I like, I really dig that Leviathan/Crebain split. I don't really have that much experience with the Scandinavian shit though. I guess I'm not "troo" enough. Someone please recommend me some non-corny black metal. How are those pics? I jacked them from Ruthless Reviews 10 Most Ridiculous Black Metal Pics. Go check it is classic shit, yo. Please don't get me wrong I really like black metal, but why does it have to be like this? Maybe I should just stick to grind. That picture is the epitome of "Rock out with your cock out!" The other one reminds me of the "Legion of Doom" from pro wrestling.
Friday, August 25, 2006

You know I don't smoke weed that regular.But it is a great substance, simply for the fact that it makes life simpler, and enhances your enjoyment of life in general. It's funny to me how weed makes you love things that you normally wouldn't, or makes you like other things even more.
At the time, I was living with one of my best friends who shall remain nameless. He was collecting unemployment, and would rarely leave our apartment. He would just wear sweatpants, and smoke his bong. We had some of the best times just sitting in his room taking bonghits, with his little boombox playing cds. That and watching shitty cable, renting videos, or the ultimate in lowlife entertainment: pro wrestling.
First off, we gotta talk about wrestling, what is it that makes it likable? Its predictable, overblown, and rots your brain like a mother fucker. Yet, it is huge, and makes money hand over fist. I have a theory that to truly appreciate its spectacle, you gotta be baked. Case in point: , the WWE Royal Rumble. This was the moment that created a soft spot in my heart for wrestling. Before this, I would try and like it but not really get into it. I just didn't how this could be entertaining enough to fork over 50 bucks for a pay per view every month. Than the stars aligned, and after about 4 hits off the pipe, it hit me. That night I was so enthralled and entertained. They had Drew Carey come out as a participant in the Rumble, and hearing Jim Ross orgasmically scream into his mic while announcing, I was in love. "Drew Carey, ladies and gentlemen! DRRRREEEW CARRRREY!" in that Oklahoma drawl, amazing. Anyway, if I remember right Stone Cold Steve Austin won the rumble. To sum it up, while stoned pro wrestling is better than Shakespeare.
Another favorite of mine which I developed a whole new appreciation for was O.G. Battlestar Galactica. I grew up watching this in reruns, (12 pm Channel 12, for all you PDX people). One foggy Saturday night, my friend brought this home from the video store, and like cheese and fine wine, weed and Galactica go down smooth. A little history though first, Battlestar Galactica was a short lived TV series from the late 70's made to cash in on the "Star Wars" craze. It also rips off its film brother extremely hard. So hard, that there was legal action from George Lucas. But, back to the matter at hand, Galactica is fucking cheese, no way around that. But check the cast, Lorne Greene, who had one of the all time great voices in TV, and Dirk Benedict(Face from the A-Team). Because of weed, I now count Galactica as one of my favorite TV shows ever. In fact, I own the DVD, but don't tell anyone...I'm still uncomfortable with my geek status.
Musically, I got turned on to James Brown,and Muddy Waters. "Mannish Boy" is one of all the time greats, smoke a joint and check it, you'll will be instantly transported to a bar on the Chitlin Circuit in 1955. You will also feel the raw machismo booming out the speakers. You will want to fight and fuck at the same time. My love for Guns & Roses increased drastically during this time, I have said it before but "Appetite for Destruction" will always be in my "Deserted Island" list.
I guess I don't understand why weed is illegal, it enhances everything. You haven't listened to music until you do it while stoned. Even now, there are times when I am listening to something and just go "Fuck, this would sound amazing if I was baked".Just don't try and listen to Slayer or something, its a little intense.
A little statement I am not advocating that anyone smoke pot, because like anything you can go off the deep end and overdo it. So please don't judge me. But I think that every once in awhile its good to spark one up, and just chill. Your mind will be opened up to a whole new world in entertainment. You will see old favorites from a new angle, and new favorites will be made.
Life changing experiences

Not to get all melodramatic but I have been thinking alot lately about people and events in my life which shaped me. I feel that it is valuable to self reflect, look back and see what shit has affected yourself. Here we go.
1. My Father's death
I was 5 years old when my dad passed away. I did not know him that well, my parents were divorced and I only saw him on weekends. I don't even really have memories, only a few images in my head. I was so young that it didn't affect me until much later. There is not a day where I don't wish that my dad was here. Being a father now, I really see how important it is to be in your child's life. It's weird now I am more comfortable talking to "motherly" types, than to men because of growing up without my father. I was always jealous of people who were close with their fathers.
2. Leaving Oregon
I love Oregon, and it was really hard for me to leave. When I went back for a year, I saw it in a different way. During my first time in Hawai'i, I really glorified Portland, while Portland is cool, I live in the land of eternal summer. There is quite a tradeoff though. It is expensive as shit in Hawai'i. I live on the Big Island, and it is pretty much country out here. One truth I have to pass on, is that small towns are the same all over. Full of igornance.
3. Skateboarding
I started skating in 1993. Best times of my life, I have never felt more alive than when I did then. My favorite memory of this time is filming a video I made in Video Prod. class. Riding the bus for sessions, filming, just having fun, best time of my life. Skateboarding also introduced me to punk rock, and the whole idea of punk rock. If it wasnt for that I wouldn't have the open mind I have today.
4. My brother
I love my brother to death. I miss him alot, he is the only connection I have to our father. My brother is 10 years older than me, but in alot of ways he is 10 years younger. This past Saturday morning, I got a call from his wife that he tried to kill himself. I feel alot of guilt for my brother's condition, when I was in OR, he seemed to be doing good but when I left he fell apart. Steve, you are the only person who gets Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan like I do. KHAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! You worry me way too much. So hey, Steve, I love you. Take care of yourself.
5. My experience as a parent.
Responsibilty sucks, but I wouldn't trade Emily for anything. You remind how full of life I should be, even when you try my patience. Daddy loves you.
Changing jobs...

So tomorrow is my last day at my current job, pictured here. I feel good about it, I am taking next week off to chill, and get stuff around my house done. It is weird though because I wasn't looking for a new job, but an opportunity fell into my lap which was too good to pass up. More money, and a learning experience, for the next few months I am going to be busy as shit though. That is good however, because I need some ass kicking right now.
There is no feeling like your last few days at a job. Today, I got taken out to lunch, it was dope. I will miss my old co workers but, my life and well being is more important. Opportunity knocks.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Miles Davis "Live at the Fillmore East, March 7th, 1970"

I have been listening this alot lately in the morning with my coffee. It is so out there, the line up includes Chick Corea on keyboards, and Jack De Johnette on drums. The opening track on the 1st disc,"Directions" has got a nice vibe. Its almost punk rock in the way the band just explodes into music. It is aggressive, complex, heavy, and strangely organic sounding. This is what creativity sounds like.
Wayne Shorter's sax solos jump out of the speakers, and Miles coaxes some dope tones out of his trumpet. Like most shit from his electric period, Kind of Blue, this isn't. The first version of "Spanish Key" is far superior to whats found on Bitches Brew. That album was to come out in a few months, so nobody had experienced Miles's new sound yet. No wah-wah pedal, no guitar, but this rocks in a way that the mid-70s shit doesn't. Key tracks:"Directions"(2nd set), "Spanish Key"(1st set), and "Miles runs the Voodoo Down". Go buy it now.

Hey, check out my man Tesco's Misfits post over at 100 Records. He's got half of the unreleased 12 Hits from Hell. You will not regret it. So grow out that devilock, and enjoy a "Ghoul's Night Out". One of the greatest punk rock bands ever, apparently the other half will be posted tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Ramblin Rod
For all of you who grew up in Portland, here is some nostalgia. 7:00 AM, Weekday Mornings. Anyone ever go on? Smile contests, rumors that Ramblin Rod hated kids, the old school Chuck E. Cheese commercials, classic Popeye cartoons.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Heavy Metal Sept. 2006 Review holmes...

So last week, I picked up the new issue of Heavy Metal. I first came across Heavy Metal around 1993, my friend had bought an issue and showed me. I remember mainly being astounded that they sold it to him due to the content. Later that summer, I caught the movie on TNT late at night. Its funny to me the ads in this magazine are more graphic than the stories. In fact, I wish those ads weren't in there. I am far from prude, but some of it is kind of wack. I like comic breasts as much as the next guy, but when it comes to chicks with dicks, no thanks. Anyway, this is a dope issue. The main story, Starlight is ho-hum, I do like the Bladerunner/ blaxploitation vibe however.It is definitely not Borgia, however. The comic that sticks out the most to me is Metallic & Miserable by Luis Royo. I dig the Italian Mad Max ripoff vibe it has. If you have ever seen Warriors of the Wasteland, you will know what I mean. Good stuff. The Garden is short, weird, but dope. Piece by Piece is about zombies, so you know how that goes. Anything with zombies is cool by default. I really like the art in this story. The gallery(and cover) by Alex Horley is really good. His style is like a combo of Frazetta, John Byrne, and Mcfarlane. I recommend this issue. go pick it up, ese.
Current digs:
the issue above
Maximum Rock n Roll ( I am way more elitist punk rock than you could ever hope to be)
MF Doom
got my Black Sabbath jones going again
a 40 of Mickeys
Monday, August 21, 2006
Language change!

could they be more anymore Orwellian?
Islamofascist is the new terrorist/ insurgent.
Somehow I don't think it helps the US to use terms like this. I don't see how starting a new crusade will make the world a better place. To be perfectly honest, I think being at war makes money. Unfortunately, it comes at the cost of innocent lives. Growing up in the 80s, which in alot ways was a similar time to now, it was all about the evils of Communism. Now, its like just switch Communist with Islam or terrorism. Before I knew exactly what Communism was I just thought it was evil, when I actually learned what Communist ideals were, it didn't seem so evil to me. True communism is about economic equality. Capitalism is built on greed, what seems to make more sense? While I am far from a commie, I do think that our free market system needs more regulation to protect the proverbial little guy. My wife and I make about 70,000 a year. That seems like enough right? Well, right now we are struggling. We can't afford to buy a house. Where is our American dream?
I would say that the two main reasons we went to Iraq are oil, and money. 9/11 gave them an excuse, the neo cons had wanted to invade since the mid-90s. We are definitely in a different space collectively as Americans than we were then. I feel that people are waking up and realizing that we fucked up after 9/11. Thank God for this. When you boil it all down, the conservative movement is about the rich and powerful gaining more power. That is why I will never buy into conservatism. It is the death of American ideals. We do not need a "unitary executive", we need political participation from all walks. Unfortunately, it seems like many Americans would rather worry about American Idol, than the death of democracy.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
If you were on a desert island....

I always liked the concept of a desert island list. It is so absurd because obviously there would be no power. How are you going to play music? Since the idea is absurd, lets make it absolutely ridiculous, and expand it beyond music. Shall we? Here we go.
1. Ghostface Killah Supreme Clientele
The best Wu solo, there I said it. Fuck it, make it the best Wu. Better than 36 Chambers even. Ghost rips every verse, each song has its own mood, even the club song is sick. Plus, "Nutmeg" contains the best RZA verse to date. All of Ghostface's verses go beyond abstract into the surreal.
Check this nugget:
The Great Adventures of Slick, lickin with 6 rugers
Rock those, big boy Bulotti's out of Woodridge
Porch for the biggest beer, season giraffe ribs
Rotissiere ropes, hickory scented mint scented glaze
Perfected find truth within self, let's smoke
All hail to my hands, 50 thou' appraisal
Dirty nose with the nasal drip, click flipped on fam
Dancin with Blanch and them bitches, flickin goose pictures
Kick down the ace of spades, snatch Jack riches
Olsive compulsive lies flies with my name on it
Dick made the cover now count, how many veins on it
Scooby snack jurassic plastic gas booby trap
Ten years workin for me, you wanna tap shit?
Bung bung bung! Your bell went rung rung rung!
Staple-Land's where the ambulance don't come
Hands down, the best hiphop lp to come out in the past 10 years. Oh yeah, I had giraffe ribs for dinner last night.
2. A combination of Metallica mid 80's shit
in mixtape format on a shitty knockoff brand Walkman
Side A:
"For Whom the Bell Tolls"
"Fade to Black"
"Call of Ktulu"
"Master of Puppets"
"The Thing that Should Not Be"
Side B
"Damage Inc"
"Shortest Straw"
"Frayed Ends of Sanity"
"Dyers Eve"
Thats memory lane right there.
3. the first 3 Danzig lps
Besides Johnny Cash, Glenn Danzig is next on my list of favorite artists. These 3 albums are an amazing run. The first one, Danzig is great and stripped down. Basically if AC/DC would have been more punk rock, and with Jim Morrison/ Elvis style vocals on top of it all. Plus it has "Mother" on it, my all time favorite drunken singalong. The next album, Lucifuge ups the ante in almost every way. From the opener, "Long Way Back from Hell", the Righteous Bros. tribute "Blood and Tears", and finally the best ode to Black Sabbath ever, "Pain in the World". Good shit. How the Gods Kill continues the Sabbath worship, the riff on the title track is sick as cancer.
4. Johnny Cash At San Quentin
No "Cocaine Blues", but oh well I can trade for this. This is straight up quantity. Dope versions of the classics to start. "Walk the Line" on here is my favorite. "San Quentin" is classic Cash. I even like "A Boy named Sue". Also, the infamous middle finger picture was taken at this show. Fuck it, I'm cheating and adding "Cocaine Blues" on this.
5. Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard
Gotta have some grind, maybe I would alternate with some classic Napalm Death. But this is kind of a beginners guide to grindcore. It was for me anyway. Yeah, I know I'm late. Scott Hull is a riff king. JR Hayes's vocals have a hardcore edge to them which stands out to me. For me after Terrorizer, this lp has the best blastbeats. Don't let the goofy cover scare you away.
6. Zao Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest
The best metalcore album ever, hands down. I love Dan Weyandt's vocals on this, straight up screech. Also check the slow, doomy riff halfway through "To Think of You, is to Treasure an Absent Memory". Jesse Smith killed the drums on this.
7. A mixtape of classic punk and hardcore
Misfits, Minor Threat, Bad Brains, and Husker Du. 'Nuff Said.
8. Miles Davis Dark Magus
Miles out DJ Shadow'ed DJ Shadow back in '74, at Carnegie Hall no less. Fusion perfection, so ahead of its time. The big three musically to me are Johnny Cash, Glenn Danzig, and Miles Davis. I highly recommend this.
9. Guns 'n' Roses Appetite for Destruction
I can never get sick of this album. It blew away everything, and it still stands the test of time. "Its So Easy", "Mr. Brownstone", and "Rocket Queen", that's my shit right there. The definitive line-up, I am still surprised that they didn't self-destruct earlier. You gotta love Axl, hasn't had an album out in almost 15 years, and still making headlines. Throwing down with Tommy Hilfiger no less. Get in the ring. motherfucker!
10. Beastie Boys Paul's Boutique
Like fine wine, this shit just gets better with age. I miss the party ready Beasties. Best moments: "High Plains Drifter", "3 minute Rule", and all of "B-boy Boullibaise". I love the beats on this album. "The Mike stands for Money, and the D is for Diamonds."
some other shit....
neverending supply of Pabst 40's
a basketball hoop
my Mac
a nice lounge chair
a couple Stephen King novels
Alan Moore's Watchmen
a fishing pole
and a neverending supply of matches
i'm back...
desert island list
Heavy Metal review
the ongoing Republican debacle
thanks yo.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Bakshi's Heavy Traffic

So, after 3 attempts, I finally watched the end of Heavy Traffic. What an interesting film, it combines live action with animation, and it all fits. While it is incredibly vulgar and profane, it does not shy from dealing with race, and sexuality. In doing some research about the film, I came across some reviews that crucified it for what could be called racial stereotypes. While the characters except for Michael(the protagonist) are painted with very broad strokes, it works for what kind of film it is. At its core, Heavy Traffic is satire, plain and simple.
Plotwise, it focuses on Michael, a 22 year old, pinball playing, virgin cartoonist who lives at home with his parents. His dad is an Italian mobster, and his mother is a clingy, Jewish housewife. His parents' relationship is a hellish one full of physical violence which is played for laughs. You can see why this movie turns off alot of people. Michael finds a girlfriend in a black bartender named Carole. Michael and Carole develop a volatile relationship and the rest of the film follows their quest to make money in order to live. This seems to affect Michael in a negative way, Michael is the one character who is not a stereotype. he is complicated, and fleshed out unlike the other characters.
Like I said before this film will definitely not appeal to everyone, but that seems to be case with Bakshi. You either get it, or you don't, Bakshi's style in these earlier features is very balls out. Bakshi experiments quite a bit here with live-action, often the backgrounds are photos, also the pinball segueway technique I really like. Michael and the characters in the film are just bouncing around through life like a ball in a machine. But then again aren't we all? That seems to be the message in Heavy Traffic, while we can laugh at dysfunctional characters, we all have our own dysfunction. They are reflections of us.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
the conspiracy to keep you frightened
NBC: Hair-gel terrorists posed no risk last week
An anonymous "senior British official knowledgeable about the [hair-gel bombers]" told NBC that there was no threat to airplanes last week, that the terrorists had been under surveillance for over a year, and that UK government didn't plan on arresting these guys until they'd surveilled them a while longer, but moved when they did because of US pressure:
In contrast to previous reports, the official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports...
The official shed light on other aspects of the case, saying that while the investigation into the bombing plot began "months ago," some suspects were known to the security services even before the London subway bombings last year.
via Boing Boing
List of Wack

- Tommy Lee-Ever since I saw his episode of Cribs about 5 years ago, I cannot stand the guy. He is flat out the epitome of suck, pushing 50, but acting like he's 15. Hey Tommy, you have not been cool since Theatre of Pain back in '85. You are not the cool kid in school anymore. You jump on bandwagons so damn hard too. When Limp Bizkit was big, Tommy was telling us to get naked, mook rock style. Fast forward a few years, and he got all Nickelbacked out on us. Now, its all about Rock Star:Supernova, an "edgy" American Idol ripoff. Go take your big wang and stick it up your ass. Dork.
- Nascar-Sorry don't get it. Is there some deep strategy behind it all?Or is really just commercials on wheels driving around in circles for hours?I swear the shit is like never ending. It is quite the commentary on the shittiness of American culture though. Maybe the beer makes it all make sense.
- Ashlee Simpson-Why are you in my face constantly?You are an easy target but your constant media prescence negates that. Your dad is creepy, maybe thats whose fault it is?The only talent you have seem to have besides jig dancing is being an awful drunk.
- The Crackwhore look- This is not in the least way sexy. We know that you all are on the cocaine diet, when combined with the giant sunglasses it becomes the E.T. look.
- Pg-13-This rating is responsible for the downfall of cinema. It only exists so little Charlie can spend his parent's hard earned money on shit like Pulse.
A Trip to the Video Arcade

The video arcade for the most part is a relic of the past. I think some aspects of it live on in bowling alleys, movie theaters, and pizza parlors. But for the most part, kids today will never know what it was like to stuff quarter after quarter in order to get the high score on Pac-Man.
There was a time when every suburban mall had an arcade, just check any teen movie from the 1980s, and guaranteed there will be a scene in the arcade. Games like Centipede, Afterburner, and Spy Hunter live on in our memories.
Here are some of my favorites.
1978 Playboy Pinball
While a little before my time, this is a classic piece of kitsch. There is a pizza place about an hour away from me that actually has one. It doesn't work, but the thing is still a work of art. From the cheesy art, to the lame LED score display, straight up classic. This machine makes me wanna buy a van with an airbrushed wizard on the side, a waterbed in the back, and one of those bubble windows. Then I'd smoke some Acapulco Gold, get a sixer of Miller High Life, and go after that high score. Grotto here I come!
1982 Baby Pac-Man
Pac-Man and Pinball? Right combined in one, this machine seems rare compared to the versions of Pac-Man. It seems like even today, you can find Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man machines everywhere. But this one I have only seen one time in my life. When I was in elementary school, my mom would take me to Wonderland, the nickel arcade, and they had this. I wonder why it was never as popular.
1983 Star Wars
I think this is the all time classic right here. Back in the day, this was as close as it got, to jumping in your X-Wing and taking on Darth Vader. Dope vector graphics, speech from the movie("Red 5, I'm going in"), everything. This was the first game I played that really had that total immersion experience. This game still holds up, even today I could play this game for hours. Check the deluxe sit down version.
1987 Double Dragon
I can remember seriously being fascinated with game. At the time, it seemed like it was interesting that you could do all these other moves beside kicking and punching. Between that, and the weapons angle, there seemed to be no limit. I always liked the "knee the guy in the face" routine.
1985 RoadBlasters
This and the Star Wars game are my absolute all time great ones. Simple to play, yet hard to master, RoadBlasters had it all, you got to shoot, and race. I always liked trying to catch the weapons upgrades. Running out of fuel sucked though.
Friday, August 11, 2006
According to these two, I hate my country.

So conservatives love to wrap themselves in the flag, and verbally masturbate on how great they are for being so patriotic. People like the two pictured here love to condemn progressives. Just look at the book Hannity is holding. Treason. According to them, I commit treason daily for questioning the direction our country is going in. Well guess what?According to this poll, 60% of us are commiting treason for being against the Iraq war. We spend 2 billion dollars everyday in Iraq. Just take a moment and think about that, it is mind boggling. That's 2 billion dollars that we don't have, our grandkids are going to be paying this one off. But what have we accomplished in Iraq? A civil war is brewing there, and we have created a potenial new Shi'ite ally for our good friend Iran. Yee-haa.
The mid-term election this November is incredibly important for our country's future. This is our chance to make a difference. The Conneiticutt primary this week was proof of how fed up Americans are with the Republicans' solutions. Just 6 years ago, Joe Lieberman was our party's vice presidential candidate. The Democrats in Conneticutt threw him out like garbage over his support of George W.'s failing war. The Republicans are scared shitless because they know even if we can get the one branch of Congress, this charade is over. Democrats get subpoena power, and we are talking impeachment. I for one refuse to trade my civil rights for a false sense of security. Our security is unchanged from Sept. 11th, 2001. We are as vulnerable as ever.
This week's events in Britain are already being politicized. The Republicans are desperate, and will try anything to scare us, and use that fear to remain in power. We are better than this, and deserve better. I implore every single one of you reading this to vote in this election. Let's make a change. God knows, we need one. In the words of my man Chuck D. "Don't believe the hype!".
Greatest Kicks...continued.

6. Air Force Ones-Popular as shit, but will never get played. Another pair on my wishlist.
7. Vans Old Skool-Vans owns Converse. Can't front on the gum sole.
8. Es Koston 1-One of the most comfy shoes I ever owned. Mine were grey/yellow. Sick, huh?
9. Cobian slippers-Not a hippie, but I wear these more than anything. Hey, I live in Hawai'i, I have an excuse.
10. Nike Air Max 1's-1987 style, I think KRS-One is wearing these on the inside of By Any Means Necessary. This is such a dope colorway.
There's my top 10.