If you were on a desert island....

I always liked the concept of a desert island list. It is so absurd because obviously there would be no power. How are you going to play music? Since the idea is absurd, lets make it absolutely ridiculous, and expand it beyond music. Shall we? Here we go.
1. Ghostface Killah Supreme Clientele
The best Wu solo, there I said it. Fuck it, make it the best Wu. Better than 36 Chambers even. Ghost rips every verse, each song has its own mood, even the club song is sick. Plus, "Nutmeg" contains the best RZA verse to date. All of Ghostface's verses go beyond abstract into the surreal.
Check this nugget:
The Great Adventures of Slick, lickin with 6 rugers
Rock those, big boy Bulotti's out of Woodridge
Porch for the biggest beer, season giraffe ribs
Rotissiere ropes, hickory scented mint scented glaze
Perfected find truth within self, let's smoke
All hail to my hands, 50 thou' appraisal
Dirty nose with the nasal drip, click flipped on fam
Dancin with Blanch and them bitches, flickin goose pictures
Kick down the ace of spades, snatch Jack riches
Olsive compulsive lies flies with my name on it
Dick made the cover now count, how many veins on it
Scooby snack jurassic plastic gas booby trap
Ten years workin for me, you wanna tap shit?
Bung bung bung! Your bell went rung rung rung!
Staple-Land's where the ambulance don't come
Hands down, the best hiphop lp to come out in the past 10 years. Oh yeah, I had giraffe ribs for dinner last night.
2. A combination of Metallica mid 80's shit
in mixtape format on a shitty knockoff brand Walkman
Side A:
"For Whom the Bell Tolls"
"Fade to Black"
"Call of Ktulu"
"Master of Puppets"
"The Thing that Should Not Be"
Side B
"Damage Inc"
"Shortest Straw"
"Frayed Ends of Sanity"
"Dyers Eve"
Thats memory lane right there.
3. the first 3 Danzig lps
Besides Johnny Cash, Glenn Danzig is next on my list of favorite artists. These 3 albums are an amazing run. The first one, Danzig is great and stripped down. Basically if AC/DC would have been more punk rock, and with Jim Morrison/ Elvis style vocals on top of it all. Plus it has "Mother" on it, my all time favorite drunken singalong. The next album, Lucifuge ups the ante in almost every way. From the opener, "Long Way Back from Hell", the Righteous Bros. tribute "Blood and Tears", and finally the best ode to Black Sabbath ever, "Pain in the World". Good shit. How the Gods Kill continues the Sabbath worship, the riff on the title track is sick as cancer.
4. Johnny Cash At San Quentin
No "Cocaine Blues", but oh well I can trade for this. This is straight up quantity. Dope versions of the classics to start. "Walk the Line" on here is my favorite. "San Quentin" is classic Cash. I even like "A Boy named Sue". Also, the infamous middle finger picture was taken at this show. Fuck it, I'm cheating and adding "Cocaine Blues" on this.
5. Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard
Gotta have some grind, maybe I would alternate with some classic Napalm Death. But this is kind of a beginners guide to grindcore. It was for me anyway. Yeah, I know I'm late. Scott Hull is a riff king. JR Hayes's vocals have a hardcore edge to them which stands out to me. For me after Terrorizer, this lp has the best blastbeats. Don't let the goofy cover scare you away.
6. Zao Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest
The best metalcore album ever, hands down. I love Dan Weyandt's vocals on this, straight up screech. Also check the slow, doomy riff halfway through "To Think of You, is to Treasure an Absent Memory". Jesse Smith killed the drums on this.
7. A mixtape of classic punk and hardcore
Misfits, Minor Threat, Bad Brains, and Husker Du. 'Nuff Said.
8. Miles Davis Dark Magus
Miles out DJ Shadow'ed DJ Shadow back in '74, at Carnegie Hall no less. Fusion perfection, so ahead of its time. The big three musically to me are Johnny Cash, Glenn Danzig, and Miles Davis. I highly recommend this.
9. Guns 'n' Roses Appetite for Destruction
I can never get sick of this album. It blew away everything, and it still stands the test of time. "Its So Easy", "Mr. Brownstone", and "Rocket Queen", that's my shit right there. The definitive line-up, I am still surprised that they didn't self-destruct earlier. You gotta love Axl, hasn't had an album out in almost 15 years, and still making headlines. Throwing down with Tommy Hilfiger no less. Get in the ring. motherfucker!
10. Beastie Boys Paul's Boutique
Like fine wine, this shit just gets better with age. I miss the party ready Beasties. Best moments: "High Plains Drifter", "3 minute Rule", and all of "B-boy Boullibaise". I love the beats on this album. "The Mike stands for Money, and the D is for Diamonds."
some other shit....
neverending supply of Pabst 40's
a basketball hoop
my Mac
a nice lounge chair
a couple Stephen King novels
Alan Moore's Watchmen
a fishing pole
and a neverending supply of matches
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