According to these two, I hate my country.

So conservatives love to wrap themselves in the flag, and verbally masturbate on how great they are for being so patriotic. People like the two pictured here love to condemn progressives. Just look at the book Hannity is holding. Treason. According to them, I commit treason daily for questioning the direction our country is going in. Well guess what?According to this poll, 60% of us are commiting treason for being against the Iraq war. We spend 2 billion dollars everyday in Iraq. Just take a moment and think about that, it is mind boggling. That's 2 billion dollars that we don't have, our grandkids are going to be paying this one off. But what have we accomplished in Iraq? A civil war is brewing there, and we have created a potenial new Shi'ite ally for our good friend Iran. Yee-haa.
The mid-term election this November is incredibly important for our country's future. This is our chance to make a difference. The Conneiticutt primary this week was proof of how fed up Americans are with the Republicans' solutions. Just 6 years ago, Joe Lieberman was our party's vice presidential candidate. The Democrats in Conneticutt threw him out like garbage over his support of George W.'s failing war. The Republicans are scared shitless because they know even if we can get the one branch of Congress, this charade is over. Democrats get subpoena power, and we are talking impeachment. I for one refuse to trade my civil rights for a false sense of security. Our security is unchanged from Sept. 11th, 2001. We are as vulnerable as ever.
This week's events in Britain are already being politicized. The Republicans are desperate, and will try anything to scare us, and use that fear to remain in power. We are better than this, and deserve better. I implore every single one of you reading this to vote in this election. Let's make a change. God knows, we need one. In the words of my man Chuck D. "Don't believe the hype!".
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