some thoughts on the Israeli-Lebanese conflict

So like all of you, I have been hearing and seeing how this situation seems to be falling apart more and more. Why? We all know that Hezbollah kidnapped some soldiers, blah, blah. Why is there no diplomacy? I know that there have been some summits and stuff, but to me it seems like its half-hearted. Our president doesn't seem to care, he's on vacation. Condi Rice is making the rounds, but there is no real progress. All there is pumped up rhetoric. I know that it tears me up to think innocent people being blown up by bombs. That is all I know.
Call me a bleeding heart liberal if you want,but you cannot deny it, and it is horrible to think about. I wish that our government would actively pursue peace. Instead, we have a Congress that debates meaningless shit like flag burning, an Adminstration that is actively eroding our rights, checks and balances, and a media that seems to cheerlead for Israel. I am not anti-Israel, I am neutral, and just want to see peace in that volatile region.
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