Heavy Metal Sept. 2006 Review holmes...

So last week, I picked up the new issue of Heavy Metal. I first came across Heavy Metal around 1993, my friend had bought an issue and showed me. I remember mainly being astounded that they sold it to him due to the content. Later that summer, I caught the movie on TNT late at night. Its funny to me the ads in this magazine are more graphic than the stories. In fact, I wish those ads weren't in there. I am far from prude, but some of it is kind of wack. I like comic breasts as much as the next guy, but when it comes to chicks with dicks, no thanks. Anyway, this is a dope issue. The main story, Starlight is ho-hum, I do like the Bladerunner/ blaxploitation vibe however.It is definitely not Borgia, however. The comic that sticks out the most to me is Metallic & Miserable by Luis Royo. I dig the Italian Mad Max ripoff vibe it has. If you have ever seen Warriors of the Wasteland, you will know what I mean. Good stuff. The Garden is short, weird, but dope. Piece by Piece is about zombies, so you know how that goes. Anything with zombies is cool by default. I really like the art in this story. The gallery(and cover) by Alex Horley is really good. His style is like a combo of Frazetta, John Byrne, and Mcfarlane. I recommend this issue. go pick it up, ese.
Current digs:
the issue above
Maximum Rock n Roll ( I am way more elitist punk rock than you could ever hope to be)
MF Doom
got my Black Sabbath jones going again
a 40 of Mickeys
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