cheaphotelbloodymary: Language change!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Language change!

could they be more anymore Orwellian?

Islamofascist is the new terrorist/ insurgent.

Somehow I don't think it helps the US to use terms like this. I don't see how starting a new crusade will make the world a better place. To be perfectly honest, I think being at war makes money. Unfortunately, it comes at the cost of innocent lives. Growing up in the 80s, which in alot ways was a similar time to now, it was all about the evils of Communism. Now, its like just switch Communist with Islam or terrorism. Before I knew exactly what Communism was I just thought it was evil, when I actually learned what Communist ideals were, it didn't seem so evil to me. True communism is about economic equality. Capitalism is built on greed, what seems to make more sense? While I am far from a commie, I do think that our free market system needs more regulation to protect the proverbial little guy. My wife and I make about 70,000 a year. That seems like enough right? Well, right now we are struggling. We can't afford to buy a house. Where is our American dream?
I would say that the two main reasons we went to Iraq are oil, and money. 9/11 gave them an excuse, the neo cons had wanted to invade since the mid-90s. We are definitely in a different space collectively as Americans than we were then. I feel that people are waking up and realizing that we fucked up after 9/11. Thank God for this. When you boil it all down, the conservative movement is about the rich and powerful gaining more power. That is why I will never buy into conservatism. It is the death of American ideals. We do not need a "unitary executive", we need political participation from all walks. Unfortunately, it seems like many Americans would rather worry about American Idol, than the death of democracy.

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