cheaphotelbloodymary: 6 months

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

6 months

Soft Pink Smoke, originally uploaded by Pink Sherbet Photography.

So Sunday, August 27th was 6 months without any form of nicotine. Everyday I am thankful that I quit smoking, I gained 20 lbs but I guess thats a small tradeoff for being able to breathe. There are still times occasionly when I get the urge but it is rare. Whats weird is I like how cigarettes smell, if someone is smoking around me, the smell is appealing. Weird, when I smoked I always hated the ex-smokers who were militant, and wouldn't shut up about how bad smoking is. I am not like that, if using tobacco is something you enjoy, then its your choice.
I quit because I really started to think about my father and how young he was when he died. He was only 12 years older than I am now. That was my prime motivation. The secret of my success was sunflower seeds,( you get the hand to mouth action going), I can't believe its been 6 months, I didn't even think I could go 6 hrs.

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