cheaphotelbloodymary: Black Metal

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Black Metal

You know black metal has fascinated me for quite awhile. Aesthetically, I really like it, the lo-finess, blastbeats, and screechy vocals sound really fucking sick. It also seems to have an almost punk rock simplicity to it.Sounds good, right? I really like the sound of it. What I have a problem with is its image.Once you step away from the music, you are left with a bunch of goons whose main goal is to appear more "evil" than the next guy.The need in the scene to appear "evil", and "brutal" than the next guy is what is wack.
Its just corny, because we all know that underneath the corpse paint, "Beheader" is really Arthur Epstein who lives at home with his mom. I wish there was a band who took the sound but left the image. The other thing that really bothers me is the racism and fascism that seem to run rampantThis is really disturbing, and to me hard music should be the last place where this exists. While I am far from the expert, why does it seem to prevail? There are bands I like, I really dig that Leviathan/Crebain split. I don't really have that much experience with the Scandinavian shit though. I guess I'm not "troo" enough. Someone please recommend me some non-corny black metal. How are those pics? I jacked them from Ruthless Reviews 10 Most Ridiculous Black Metal Pics. Go check it is classic shit, yo. Please don't get me wrong I really like black metal, but why does it have to be like this? Maybe I should just stick to grind. That picture is the epitome of "Rock out with your cock out!" The other one reminds me of the "Legion of Doom" from pro wrestling.

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