
You know I don't smoke weed that regular.But it is a great substance, simply for the fact that it makes life simpler, and enhances your enjoyment of life in general. It's funny to me how weed makes you love things that you normally wouldn't, or makes you like other things even more.
At the time, I was living with one of my best friends who shall remain nameless. He was collecting unemployment, and would rarely leave our apartment. He would just wear sweatpants, and smoke his bong. We had some of the best times just sitting in his room taking bonghits, with his little boombox playing cds. That and watching shitty cable, renting videos, or the ultimate in lowlife entertainment: pro wrestling.
First off, we gotta talk about wrestling, what is it that makes it likable? Its predictable, overblown, and rots your brain like a mother fucker. Yet, it is huge, and makes money hand over fist. I have a theory that to truly appreciate its spectacle, you gotta be baked. Case in point: , the WWE Royal Rumble. This was the moment that created a soft spot in my heart for wrestling. Before this, I would try and like it but not really get into it. I just didn't how this could be entertaining enough to fork over 50 bucks for a pay per view every month. Than the stars aligned, and after about 4 hits off the pipe, it hit me. That night I was so enthralled and entertained. They had Drew Carey come out as a participant in the Rumble, and hearing Jim Ross orgasmically scream into his mic while announcing, I was in love. "Drew Carey, ladies and gentlemen! DRRRREEEW CARRRREY!" in that Oklahoma drawl, amazing. Anyway, if I remember right Stone Cold Steve Austin won the rumble. To sum it up, while stoned pro wrestling is better than Shakespeare.
Another favorite of mine which I developed a whole new appreciation for was O.G. Battlestar Galactica. I grew up watching this in reruns, (12 pm Channel 12, for all you PDX people). One foggy Saturday night, my friend brought this home from the video store, and like cheese and fine wine, weed and Galactica go down smooth. A little history though first, Battlestar Galactica was a short lived TV series from the late 70's made to cash in on the "Star Wars" craze. It also rips off its film brother extremely hard. So hard, that there was legal action from George Lucas. But, back to the matter at hand, Galactica is fucking cheese, no way around that. But check the cast, Lorne Greene, who had one of the all time great voices in TV, and Dirk Benedict(Face from the A-Team). Because of weed, I now count Galactica as one of my favorite TV shows ever. In fact, I own the DVD, but don't tell anyone...I'm still uncomfortable with my geek status.
Musically, I got turned on to James Brown,and Muddy Waters. "Mannish Boy" is one of all the time greats, smoke a joint and check it, you'll will be instantly transported to a bar on the Chitlin Circuit in 1955. You will also feel the raw machismo booming out the speakers. You will want to fight and fuck at the same time. My love for Guns & Roses increased drastically during this time, I have said it before but "Appetite for Destruction" will always be in my "Deserted Island" list.
I guess I don't understand why weed is illegal, it enhances everything. You haven't listened to music until you do it while stoned. Even now, there are times when I am listening to something and just go "Fuck, this would sound amazing if I was baked".Just don't try and listen to Slayer or something, its a little intense.
A little statement I am not advocating that anyone smoke pot, because like anything you can go off the deep end and overdo it. So please don't judge me. But I think that every once in awhile its good to spark one up, and just chill. Your mind will be opened up to a whole new world in entertainment. You will see old favorites from a new angle, and new favorites will be made.
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