Eerie Von Interview

For those who need an introduction, Eerie Von played bass in Samhain, and Danzig. He also took many Misfits pictures back in the day. He was kind enough to allow an interview.
1. What was your favorite album you played on? What tour was best?
Samhain 3 was a great record, and I think it's the best from that band, and strangely, Danzig 3 is my favorite from that band. There's something about ..3 that seems to bring out the best in me, and or, us.
Since I've done so many tours, it's hard to pick just one, But the tour for "How the Gods Kill" with "White Zombie" in Europe, and then the States, was one of my favorites.
2.What was better playing in Samhain or Danzig? Which songs do you prefer now?
There is no choosing wich was better. People always want to know, is this better than that? It's so stupid to make comparisons, because every band, or tour is different.
Each one had it's good and bad moments, but for the most part, it was mainly all good, and I am very Proud of both bands.
3. Many consider the first 4 Danzig albums classic? How does it feel to be a part of that legacy?
I'm a part of the whole "Legacy" I just consider my time in Hell, to be a part of the whole picture.
4. Are you still in contact with anyone from that time?
I still hear from Chuck Biscuits, from time to time, and Glenn and I keep tabs on each other.
5. How was it working with Rick Rubin? Is he as weird as he seems?
Rick was not weird at all. He was much more normal, than any of us. I enjoyed working with him, to a certain extent, but we didn't give him much respect, because that's the way we were.
6. What are you currently listening to?
I listen to the same music I've always listened to, Elvis, Motown, Doo-Wop, Classical, country, blues, and Punk.
7. Who are the main influences on your bass playing?
My only influences on Bass are Dee Dee Ramone, and Jerry Only.
8. Is Glenn really a badass? Or is it all an act?
Glenn's as bad as he wants to be. Just like we all are. What people don't know is what a funny guy he is, and how he loves to laugh.
9. Are you still into photography?
10. Is there you anything you want to plug?
Just the Fiend Art, and the new "Spidercider" CD coming out any minute. People can go to and see my paintings, and check out my new CD.
I also want to always thank, the Fiends for being the best supporters, anyone could ever hope for. I've spent a long time getting to know a lot of them personally, and they are the best!
Good stuff, I'd like to again thank Eerie for his time. Thank you.
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