Review: Playboy July 1980

So I found this store by me that has a vintage Playboy collection back to 1978. Pricewise, it is whatever the cover says. So for a whopping $2.50 I picked the "Summer Sex" issue. Now I guess I should put a disclaimer about this and some previous postings, sorry if I offended anyone with nudity, but at least it was classy, right? I don't really consider Playboy pornography, and you shouldn't either. Now that that is said, some of my thoughts on this publication. As with most anything, I prefer stuff that it vintage to late 70's/ early 80's, I like this kind of shit because it reminds me of a time that seemed so much simpler, I was a young child then, and I have always had a keen memory for pop culture. So that said lets roll.
First things first, the ads in this mag are almost the best thing about it. From the Earth, Wind, & Fire Panasonic "ghetto blaster" one, the Honda Accord LX (these old Hondas ran forever), and the best of all the ad for the long forgotten move The Island (with Michael Caine, and written by Peter Benchley of Jaws fame). Good stuff. Next up, article wise, we have a great feature on my adopted state of Hawai'i, basically a travelogue it has some great pictures in it. The photo of Kalapana is especially nice considering what it looks like now. There is a goofy pictorial featuring Dudley Moore in various goofy situations with naked ladies. Funny stuff, (I never got Dudley Moore) he is definitely forgotten now.
There is a feature on the beach, with all kinds of goofy shit, with a playlist to enjoy in your Sony Walkman the size of a car. Here is a sampling: "Desperado" Eagles (yuck), "Cheeseburger in Paradise" Jimmy Buffett (double yuck), and "Surfin USA" Beach Boys (cmon that was a given, they didn't even have to include that). Also, instructions for a clambake, and Hef's ultimate beach beverage a "Blue Hawai'i", they suggest filling a Thermos. I have never drinken a "Blue Hawai'i" in my life, although the night before I got married I got wasted on Mai Tai's. Good fun. All in all, if you are into nostalgia for this period, this was a great issue. Notice I didn't even mention the Playmate of the Month, Playboy would be dope even without the girls.
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