the new, new ain't even down....

What I'm diggin...lately:
Bad Brains ROIR: I had only heard some way shitty version before. The definitive is right here, way more energy.
NWA Straight Outta Compton: A longtime favorite, but thanks to my brother, this has been getting mad play the past few weeks. Diamond in the back, sunroof top.
the new Jay-Z: The Katrina song is sick, plus the "Kingdome Come" beat is unbelievable. While not his best Hova's flow is so fucking effortless, and for the most part the beats are way dope. Check the 1st track.
Genghis Tron Dead Mountain Mouth: I just got this off of Itunes this morning, and been listening to it briefly today. Kind of artsy, but the riffs fucking rip. Drum machines rock.
Clipse Hell Hath No Fury: Sick beats, and theasaurus checking rhyming. Mama I'm sorry.
early Police: "Can't Stand Losing You" is the happiest song about being a loser ever written. The best English band to grace us since Black Sabbath. Fuck the later shit, though.
Borat: I only caught The Ali G. Show a few times, and two years too late, but Sacha Baron Cohen is bloody genius. This film tops Jackass 2 in one scene alone, the fight/gay fat man love scene. In all my experience, I have never been so appalled while at the movies. The extra long dick censor bar is classic.
The Mound by HP Lovecraft: The Lovecraft story where I finally got it. Fan for life now.
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