cheaphotelbloodymary: September 2006

Friday, September 29, 2006

Yeah! another victory for the Moral Majority

Congress gives Bush the right to torture and detain people forever
By: Glenn Greenwald on Thursday, September 28th, 2006 at 5:27 PM - PDT Submit or Digg this Post

Following in the footsteps of the House, the Senate this afternoon approved the bill which vests in the President the power of indefinite, unreviewable detention (even of U.S. citizens) and which also legalizes various torture techniques. It is not hyperbole to say that this is one of the most tyrannical and dangerous bills to be enacted in our nation’s history.

The final Senate vote was 65-34. The Democrats lacked the votes for a filibuster and therefore did not attempt one. Twelve (out of 44) Senate Democrats voted in favor of this bill, while only one Republican (Chafee) voted against it. The dishonorable list of Democrats voting for the bill: Carper (Del.), Johnson (S.D.), Landrieu (La.), Lautenberg (N.J.), Lieberman (Conn.), Menendez (N.J), Nelson (Fla.), Nelson (Neb.), Pryor (Ark.), Rockefeller (W. Va.), Salazar (Co.), Stabenow (Mich).

One can look at the Democrats’ conduct here in one of two ways. On the one hand, it is true that the Democrats disappeared from the debate until today, all but hiding behind John McCain in the futile hope that he would remain steadfast in his opposition to the White House. Once the Democrats designated McCain as the Noble and Wise Torture Expert who spoke on their behalf, it became very difficult for them to oppose the "compromise" bill whereby McCain predictably capitulated and gave the Bush administration virtually everything it wanted. Democrats painted themselves into this corner by failing forcefully to advocate their own position against torture and indefinite detention.

Nonetheless, it is simply a fact that virtually every Republican in the House and the Senate (with one sole exception in the Senate and only 7 in the House) voted in favor of this tyrannical bill, while Democrats overwhelmingly opposed it (in the House, 160 Democrats voted "no," while 34 voted "yes"). With those facts assembled, it is fair to say that the Republicans are the party of torture, indefinite and unreviewable detention powers, and limitless presidential power, even over U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. By contrast, Democrats have largely opposed these tyrannical, un-American and truly dangerous measures. Even if Democrats didn’t oppose them as vociferously as they could have and should have — and that is plainly the case – this is still a meaningful and, at this point in our country’s history, a critically important contrast.

via Crooks and Liars

This makes me sick. That is all I can say.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Greatest Opening Sequences in Film

Apocalypse Now

Flying Pie Pizzeria

Flying Pie Pizzeria, originally uploaded by giscapstone.

I dream about the sausage on this pizza. Does that make me a fat ass?

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Miles Davis 1973

one word: funk

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Fuck Glenn Beck

3 things that irritate me....conservative, asshole, and a mormon. Glenn Beck is like the stupid jock asshole you went to school with who thought he was funny but really was not. Why is this guy on tv 5 nights a week spreading fear and hate? I am so sick of this shit. Keith Olbermann is so much better than these guys, speaking the truth and calling bullshit on them.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Johnny Cash-i walk the line at san quentin

and more...
Johnny Cash - San Quentin

the man in black in classic style, don't front...

Foxy Brown

Foxy Brown, originally uploaded by cheaphotelbloodymary.

70's AIP exploitation at its finest...except for "Coffee", almost as good though....

classic covers....I love shit like this

Vampirella yo....I wish I had these mags.

Friday, September 15, 2006

an ancedotal story regarding mail order and Cobra Commander...

The last post I made got me all nostalgic about GI Joe, growing up I was a GI Joe freak. I used to watch the cartoon every morning, and I had a massive collection. Every week with my allowance, I would buy a new figure at Payless Drug. (remember those?) I think they are all Rite-Aids now. Anyway, there were some figures that were not sold in stores, like "Refrigerator" Perry, Sgt. Slaughter, and the special "hooded" version of Cobra Commander. These were all special mail order offers. I got my mom to order Cobra Commander for me. I remember thinking that I would get it in a few days, and every day for weeks I would check the mail. It seemed like forever, I eventually forgot about it I think...Finally after an eternity, it arrived. You know I was kind of disappointed, I built it up so much in my head that when it arrived, it was kind of lame. On the show, he looked much cooler, than the action figure did. Just check the picture. Other things I ordered in the mail when I was a anti-smoking Spider-Man comic, here's the cover, and a page from it. Alot of good it did, yo.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Cobra Muthafuckin Commander

the best villian ever, fuck Lex Luthor....

Monday, September 11, 2006


So I joined BMG Music Club, My 5 free cds are: Johnny Cash -  At San Quentin Miles Davis - Get up With It Andrew W.K. - The Wolf Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses The Damned - Smash It Up-The Anthology 1976-1987

Andrew WK, The Wolf, Fuck yeah, I'm stupid for liking this. I really liked I Get Wet, this doesn't seem as good, but you cant front on him. I don't care what anyone thinks about me liking this.

Miles Davis, Get up with It, "Calyspo Frelimo" will kick your ass. 32 minutes of sickness. Also, "Rated X" is beyond dope.

Type O Negative, Bloody Kisses. This was an experimental pick, and I don't know yet how I feel about it. Any opinions?

The Damned, Smash it Up 1976-1987 Another experimental pick, in my experience you can rarely go wrong with old punk rock. I do need to listen more though.

Johnny Cash, At San Quentin, One of my favorite albums of all time, I wanted a new copy, I lost my other one somewhere. Good shit.

Frank Frazetta

frazetta, originally uploaded by cheaphotelbloodymary.

I wish my walls were covered with stuff like this.

sweet galactica...

sweet galactica, originally uploaded by cheaphotelbloodymary.

The comic to the greatest shitty tv show of all time. Sometimes I really wish I owned a time machine, so I could pick stupid shit like this. Then I would have the dope collection. Oh well, what to do?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Greatest Scenes in Cinema....

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end..."

It doesn't get any better than that....

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Rockers!

Fuckin A!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


sadness, originally uploaded by cheaphotelbloodymary.

Is it just me, or there an element of sadness in this girl's face? I am digging that melancholy vibe.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Uschi Digart

uschi digart, originally uploaded by cheaphotelbloodymary.

After Pam Grier, Uschi, a Swedish import who spoke 5 languages, was the hottest thing in 70's exploitation. Appearing in everything from the Ilsa movies, Kentucky Fried Movie, (she is the lady having sex in the shower in the Catholic Schoolgirls segment), and a few Russ Meyer films. Can't front.

Pizza Baron

You know out of all the pizza I have eaten in my life, this is probably the pizza I ate the most growing up. In my family, my cousins always had their birthday parties there.I had a few birthdays there. I am sure anyone who grew up in SE Portland in the last 40 years has fond memories of this place. We still went there after we discovered Flying Pie, I think the reason why is that it was a nice central location, and it was cheap. That was probably the main motivator. Even the last time I was in Portland, we all went there. Now, Pizza Baron pizza is kind of different than most pizzas. The crust is like ultra thin, but it doesn't really resemble most thin crust pizzas. There is definitely a "cardboard" quality to it. I know that sounds gross, but don't knock it until you have tried it. Maybe its the nostalgia factor, but to me, there is almost nothing like a pepperoni pizza from Pizza Baron. Flying Pie is my favorite Portland pizza, but compared to Pizza Baron its almost overkill. There is an utter simplicity about Pizza Baron which makes it good. The decor is definitely classic pizza parlor. Brick walls, video games, long bench seats, a big fireplace....there is as much comfort there as in the food.
There used to be a Model T mockup, that kids could sit in, in fact there are probably pictures of all of us in it. From my older brother in the early 70s, to my daughter a few years ago. But the last time I went, it was gone. Oh well, maybe it had termites. There also used to be an old player piano, that had a Vargas style pinup painted on it. I used to be so fascinated with that thing. Man, its 8:00 on a Sunday morning, but I'm craving a slice right now.
Check these photos out, the only ones I could find on the internet. Even this shopping center holds a lot of memories for me. There used to be a mom and pop video store there, Maude's Video, those are a thing of the past more and more. Now its all big chains like Blockbuster, you know I love Netflix, but I really miss those kind of places. I remember staring at video boxes like Ken Russell's Gothic, and Over the Top, and wishing my mom would rent them for me. They came in those old big brown plastic cases. Good times.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

One of the funnest nights of my life....

January 2006, I made my yearly trek back to to the motherland of Oregon. It was kind of a weird trip because my Grandma had a stroke the second day we arrived, so we spent a lot of time at the hospital. The night that made the trip though was when Tania and I hooked up with the Van Gelder. We went to a Blazers game, and then we hit up an O.G. spot, Mary's Club. The first "gentleman's club" in PDX, its a shithole, but a classy shithole. Ha. It was good to drink with DVG, although it was a little strange at first to be there with Tania, but it was good fun. Somehow, we ended up closer & closer to the stage. Finally, there we were front and center, pussy and nipples in our face. You know in my experience you always meet interesting people at strip clubs. We met these weird old guys in tuxedos who were telling us how 20 years ago, you got more for your money at a strip joint. One time in Victoria, B.C., I met a guy from Scotland at a stripclub, taking a piss no doubt. I was kind of drunk but I remember distinctly this couple making out next to us. The dancer I remember the best was named Satori, and was tattoed and double jointed. How is that for a combo? This night was so much fun, after Mary's we ended up at the Boom-Boom Room up Barbur. We took a cab, and our driver ended up chilling. While not as cool as Mary's, it was still fun. One of the dancer's mom and auntie were there cheering her on, talk about surreal. A good time was had by all, basketball, strippers,best friends, wives and beer, can't fuck with that. So why was it so great you ask? Sounds pretty standard yeah?, well I just really fucking dug having fun with my two best friends. That's why, bitch.

Dopest Pictures ever....

I know that it is an iconic image. But you cannot deny the coolness of this pic. Johnny Cash was punk rock before it existed.

Best Album Cover Art....again

Sepultura - Arise

So goofily (is that a word?) death metal it is good. This is the pinnacle of Sepultura, although I wish it had the dirty vibe that previous releases had. Still to this day, fucking dope.

Playboy December 1987 Review

This is an okay issue, although I liked the issue I reviewed earlier a little better. In December 1987, I was in the 3rd Grade, ironically this was probably around the time I first came across a Playboy. The 7-11 near 122nd and Division, someone had dumped a a big stack of Playboys behind it. One of my friends found them. and I remember just soaking in the adultness of it. Not so much the nudity aspect, but just the whole vibe of the magazine. It's kind of like Playboy has this fantasy that the men who read it, are upscale, and sophiscated. I don't think that is really the case, and I think that it gets a bad rap because of it. Although, I am sure there are men who buy into that vibe, and buy it for that reason. As I've said before, Playboy is a great magazine regardless of Playmates. Take em out, and you still have one of the best magazines ever published. I know its very cliche to say "I read Playboy for the articles", but like most cliches it is true. Okay enough, rambling, lets get on to the substance.
On the cover, we have Brigitte Nielsen, then known as the recently divorced Mrs. Sly Stallone, and star of wonderful 80's schlock like Red Sonja, and Cobra. Now known as the Flavor Flav nudist, crazy, ex. What a career yo. She has a pictorial inside shot by Herb Ritts. The accompanying article is goofy, because basically it consists of the writer trying to interview her in her Mercedes on her cellular phone, which keeps losing signal, any questions that get through are mainly answered by her personal assisant. They should have just dropped the article, and kept it visual. There is great interview with Gore Vidal where he nails the then Reagan adminstration to the wall. I am now forever a fan. It is kind of prophetic to hear him talk about the conservatives constantly fucking up our beloved democracy. (which they still are) There also is the second part of a Jessica Hahn interview which is very interesting. It is interesting because she talks about her faith, which she says led her to liberation. As someone who was brought up with Christianity, I relate alot to her statements. I guess my view of her before her I read this interview was as kind of a bimbo, but I have more respect for her now. It is also interesting to hear an inside view of the 1980's many televangelist scandals. Sleazebags.
"Sex Stars of 1987" is another pictorial, with people like Jon Bon Jovi, Vanna White, Madonna, and Whitney Houston. Fluff basically, although they do include Iran-Contra posterboy Oliver North. Kind of funny, since now he is busy glorifying war on Fox News. One of the best parts though, is the interview with Justine Bateman(of Family Ties fame), it is funny to me that she was big enough to rate an interview. Maybe I was too young, but I don't really remember her being big. She doesn't really say anything of note, but it is good none the less. On we go, to an article on Dennis Quaid, and some short stories. Good stuff. My favorite article though is "The Modern Man's Guide to Life", which is full of classic shit. Such as "The Proper Piss", who comes up with this crap? Also included is "Revenge", and "The Pubic Workout". Apparently you need to regularly exercise your pelvic muscle, to maintain better sexual endurance, and a free urinary tract. Yes, all of you men out there e-mail me, and I'll give you the details. Classic.

Now for the ads, there is a classic one advertising a video club which consists mostly of Golan Globus releases, kings of 80s B-movies. Now you too can own great films like The Delta Force, Murphy's Law, and my personal favorite Hamburger:The Movie. (This film is a Porky's ripoff, about a guy going to a fast food training college. All I gotta say is that the man with the worst name in football, Dick Butkus stars. I had a babysitter who had this taped off of HBO, and I watched it constantly. No wonder I dig 80s' Playboy.)Radical! You can thank them for making Chuck Norris a household name. You can tell the AIDS hysteria was in full swing because there are mad fucking condom ads in this thing. Nice, To sum it up, reading this is a great snapshot into 1987, a time of stock market crashes, Republicans, and cocaine. Word, this issue reminded me of that movie American Psycho, I guess it needs a soundtrack of Huey Lewis to be properly appreciated.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Back in the day....6 years ago

yours truly, originally uploaded by cheaphotelbloodymary.

Check yours truly, front and center, looking intense, also check the homie Paul in the plain black shirt. Word, good times. Don't mind the goofy Push Kid with his purple pimp hat though.

Caligula (1979)

Oh man, where to begin? The review of it over at Mondo Digital begins with the sentence, "The standard against which cinematic sleaze must be measured", and you know I really can't front on that. That is completely true, you haven't witnessed true sleaze until you have viewed Caligula. The film had a long messy production history, and Bob Guccione's meddling. Anyway, it is a film that makes you want to take a bath after. You know I really like exploitation films, but Caligula imakes you feel like you gorged yourself. It is over the top, and a little too much.
Plotwise basically, it follows Caligula's ascent as Emperor of Rome, and his descent into madness. Thats pretty much it, just throw in mad sex, and violence, and there is your recipe, for the ultimate in cinema sleaze.

While not a good movie in the least , there are some redeeming aspects. Some of the imagery in the film is bizarre, and surreal. I really like the the weirdo killing machine. It is very dreamlike, the sets are massive, you can tell alot of money was spent, (wasted...), on it. As for acting? Malcolm Mcdowell does his trademark psycho bit, other than that, kind of boring. You do not care about any of the characters really. Seems like it had alot of potential, but was ruined by its attempts to be too many things at once. It cant decide between historical epic, or porno, because it comes off like a high school play with blowjobs. Now its time for that shower.

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