an ancedotal story regarding mail order and Cobra Commander...

The last post I made got me all nostalgic about GI Joe, growing up I was a GI Joe freak. I used to watch the cartoon every morning, and I had a massive collection. Every week with my allowance, I would buy a new figure at Payless Drug. (remember those?) I think they are all Rite-Aids now. Anyway, there were some figures that were not sold in stores, like "Refrigerator" Perry, Sgt. Slaughter, and the special "hooded" version of Cobra Commander. These were all special mail order offers. I got my mom to order Cobra Commander for me. I remember thinking that I would get it in a few days, and every day for weeks I would check the mail. It seemed like forever, I eventually forgot about it I think...Finally after an eternity, it arrived. You know I was kind of disappointed, I built it up so much in my head that when it arrived, it was kind of lame. On the show, he looked much cooler, than the action figure did. Just check the picture. Other things I ordered in the mail when I was a anti-smoking Spider-Man comic, here's the cover, and a page from it. Alot of good it did, yo.
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