Inside Man

So last Saturday, my wife caught the The Inside Man, the new Spike Lee shit. For some reason, I always forget how much I dig heist films. But when I watch one, I remember why. It is the dopest film that I have seen in awhile. While watching it, I was thinking on how hard it must be to write an OG screenplay, especially a film like this. It is hard to rob a bank in an original way. But this shit pulls it off, with mad social commentary.
The video game scene gets its message off like a brick to the head, but its message is way important. You know I have played my share of Grand Theft Auto, but San Andreas bothered me in a way. It just seems to trivialize death, and race. You are black, and just have to jack fools. While I think that people take things way too seriously, especially hype over violent video games, it still bothered me. Just like the Army using video games to recruit kids. That sends the wrong message. These kids think that combat is a video game where everything is clean and easy. But it must be a real eyeopener when they see a baby with an arm or leg blown off, or their buddy blown to bits right before them. Disturbing, even if you make it physically without a scratch, mentally you are scarred.
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