cheaphotelbloodymary: make lemonade

Monday, April 03, 2006

make lemonade

Cliches, cliches, of my fav cliche sayings is "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Well, it seems like most of my life is one big lemon right now. After 5 years together, my wife and I got in our first big fight last night, over some stupid shit on my part. But its funny, because I feel like we are stronger for it. She is incredible for what she puts up with me. I have been a major league asshole lately.
All of this is my own hangups, so anyway, I are going to be making a big ass pitcher of lemonade. Word.
This is my new blog, I used to blog on Myspace, but I think Myspace is wack. I will be talking about music, film, politics, and just plain observations on life. It will be good. Writing and music right now are my therapy. Thank God for my wife. I lost sight of how dope she is.

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