So after six long years of insanity, we on the left have a chance finally have a chance to right the wrongs of the Republicans. I am extremely anxious to see how good the American people are. It seems that it took a war to wake us out of our consumer slumber. 2 years ago, this time in '04, I was extremely excited for a Democratic win. While John Kerry was not my first choice, I stood behind him anyway, and learned to respect him. When he lost, the rage I felt at it was immense. How could millions of Americans be stupid enough to vote against their better interests? It made no sense and seemed to make me hate my culture. But, as I began to see however small a turn of the tide, I grew encouraged that the craziness of a pro free capitalist, post 9/11 government was starting to sink in with the suburbs and soccer moms out there.
This Tuesday I feel is our last chance to retake our collective sanity from the redneck, paranoid, macho white male archetype out there. The man ready to sell his freedom for the dominance of the rich. As an American who has worked blue collar all of his adult life, I am ready for equality, all of us are.